About Westco Rental
Darin West, the owner of Westco Rental, opened the store at 234 West 1st Street, in Dumas, Texas in November of 1996 with basically two pieces of large equipment - a skid loader and a trencher. In 2002, they opened a second store located in Dalhart at 512 Liberal. Darin and his wife Chris, have four children: Zach the oldest son, Kaitlin, Marissa, and Nigel. Westco Rental's business hours in Dumas are Monday through Friday - 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m., and Saturday - 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. (8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Winter Hours). In Dalhart, the hours are Monday through Friday - 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m and Saturday 8:00 to 1:00 all season. It doesn't matter whether you're industrial, a contractor, or a homeowner. If you need it, we got it.
We have concrete tools, contractor equipment, skid loaders, trenchers, welders, floor sanding equipment, carpet tools, and supplies, carpet shampoo machines and solutions, heaters, fans, blowers, engine hoist and jacks, ladders and scaffolding, aerators, thatchers, rototillers and lawn-mowers, forklifts and appliance dollies, painting equipment, wallpaper steamers, pumps, plumbing and drain augers, trailers and tow dollies, assorted hand and cutting tools, and much more.
Darin, Chris, and all of us here at Westco Rental would like to say *Thanks* to Dumas and Dalhart and the surrounding areas for their present and future business with Westco Rental.